2/10 Athena (22 seconds from first, d'oh)
3/16 Age group
26/55 Females
500mSwim: 11:11 T1: 0:57 20K Bike: 45:24 T2: 0:48 5KRun: 28:03
Course and Elevation for Bike.
Course and Elevation for Run.
The whole course is pretty straight forward and well marked.
Lots of eager volunteers, lots of cheering and smiling faces.
Nice shirt, nice license plate awards.
Food!! Hot dogs, chips and cookies afterwards, N'om....
First water stop was less than a tenth of a mile into the run..... ? I guess that would be useful for those who didn't carry water on the bike, but I felt like it would have been more useful about a half mile in so it could be used twice.
The awards were license plates, cool, but since I don't plan on putting it on my car I think I'd have rather had a medal to let my kids play with.
The bike course is bumpy, lots of crevices to ride around.
Review for those interested in doing this event:
Swim: Be prepared you cannot see in this water. I mean it. Not a bit, you can't see your arms or hands. It is all greenish brown. I heard a lot of out of towners talking about this on the second day, they couldn't believe how murky it was.
Bike: It is not flat, but not hilly. It's kind of hard to explain. If you are from around here, it's not Hefner, but it's not Edmond or Norman.
Run: Flat, easy winding road. For the barefooters or minimalists among us, not the best paved road. Asphalt, the first mile is not too bad, but the further you get the more protruding rocks there are and a few gravel roads that meet it so some debris to avoid.
Lessons learned: sighting is very important.... Not only does it keep you from going amazingly off course, but it should also keep you from running into kayaks. Both of which made for a crappily awful swim. I should not have taken so long. I read somewhere once that you should approach each part of a triathlon separately. Focus on swim as if that's all you were doing, go into T1, put on a new face and come out fresh and as if biking was all you were doing, same for T2 and the run. I repeated this mantra to myself to no avail. All I could think about for the rest of the race is how terribly off course I went in the swim. All for what? 2 minutes? Not worth dwelling on. I had fun, but had a hard time getting over my mistake. I wanted to be close to 1:15, I was disappointed. Then I thought I had first in Athena! It was posted I saw it, yeah!!! Only to realize after I stuck around an hour and a half for the awards that there had been an athena in the last swim wave that beat me..... grrr..... Not my best day. I didn't feel great on the bike, I didn't feel great on the run. I was thinking about Sunday and the Olympic through most of this race. I may skip the sprint next year, volunteer perhaps. I don't feel like I gave everything I had to this race. I did pass a lot of people on the run which felt pretty good!