Yes, I know, those people who walk around barefoot are crazy, right? Who in their right mind would do that? Okay, so I never said I was in the right mind. I run either barefoot or in vibram's bikilas (yes, those funky toe shoe thingies). Why? Because my legs and feet are stronger than when I ran in conventional shoes. A girl asked me this weekend and I tried to explain to her, "You know those times your legs and feet feel like lead and your ankles feel like twigs just waiting to snap. My ankles feel like tree trunks now."
Do I feel everyone should run barefoot? No. Do I think everyone should own a pair of minimalist shoes? No. I do believe everyone could benefit from taking the shoes off more often and walking around the house, the yard, the park, where ever you feel comfortable. It will strengthen those feet, ankles and legs in ways you won't believe.
Yes, I have stepped on things. Yes, I have cut my foot. Yes, I have broken a toe. Believe it or not though, none of those things happened during a race. They happened walking around my yard or friend's driveways. Your foot will recoil if you step on something that hurts. Your body does is naturally. Yes, I do occasionally get stick burrs and have to pull them out, but you get used to it :p I am thankful to be a barefoot runner. My parents never could keep shoes on me and now I'm glad to see more people thinking outside the shoe like me :)