Limbs for Life's Blaze through the Adventure District 5K

19 of 152 females
5 of 28 age group
Course and Elevation Profile

The course, hilly, not awful, but sloping inclines and steep downhills. I knew that going into it since this went right through the zoo, I go there nearly every week with my girls. I was also prepared for the not so barefoot friendly parts of the course. What I was not prepared for was Remington Park. We ran on the grass inside the track, not a big deal for me, I found it enjoyable. Nearly everyone else I heard afterwards did not.

I was sold on this race as soon as I heard about the charity. What a great cause getting artificial limbs to those that can't afford it. I will definitely be back next year.

I got to run through the zoo! How cool is that?? I love races in places you would otherwise never get to run in!

Tshirt, yes I like races with tshirts.

I feel like the cons are lopsided, I enjoyed this race, the ambiance was great. Seeing people who benefit from the organization was great. Maybe if it was a longer race I'd have more to say about it :)

I guess there were very few trail runners there, everyone was complaining about running on the grass. Most of the last mile was on grass, some of it wet. Lots of people said they would not be back next year for this race unless they changed the course. It would be more enjoyable to run most of it through the zoo. Of course that would turn it into an out and back, it would also have to go through buildings or exhibits to get the extra mileage to stay in the zoo, so I don't know what the solution would be. I enjoyed the course. I loved going through the zoo, I enjoyed the grass. I will definitely be back next year whether it's changed or not.

The other complaint I heard: It needs to start earlier. I agree, after getting up so early for tri's the last few weekends. It felt late, it was already hot. I spent an hour hanging around waiting for the race to start and was already sweating. That would be my one big con for this race. Seconded by water! Which is always my complaint about nearly all races. One water stop on a very hot morning is not enough.

There were issues with the timing which is not the Limbs for Life's or DG Production's fault. Apparently the software that the two companies use weren't compatible so things got jumbled when they sent all the racers' info to the timing company. There was a similar issue the week before at OCCC's triathlon, hopefully DG can figure out a solution, knowing them they probably already have.