Andy Payne Memorial Half Marathon

39% of females
50% age group - 3rd place!
Course and Elevation Profile.

This might be my favorite race so far this year. I feel like they did everything right. It started early, there was water every mile. They were handing out pretzels and gu. Everyone got a medal, which I think is nice. Lots of photographers. The course is flat as can be. It was a very enjoyable race. Heck you even get an indian taco at the end! That's better than the pizza at the end of Route 66 last november. The only glitch I ran into was for once I wanted gatorade/powerade to which I got "next table" only that's what I kept hearing. I found a table that did have it, but on the return trip they said "next table". I normally am water only, but seeing as I had a long bike ride the day before in 100 degree heat, I felt I needed more.

I had a good time. My feet held up wonderfully. This was my longest barefoot run to date. They weren't too thrilled about the road south of Britton, which is a little rough, but they made the return trip okay. I carried my bikilas with me just in case, but never felt I needed them. Just cruised around the lake, wish the wind hadn't been so bad, it kicked up a lot of the exposed dirt due to the water level being so low. That was the only unpleasant part about this race. Will definitely be returning next year!