Course and Elevation Profile
This was a fun ride. Proceeds go to the children's developmental disability hospital in Norman. There was a HUGE crowd, we even started a bit late because they were trying to find parking for people. So if you choose to do this one, definitely get there early. Police escort for the ridiculously fast. There were quite a few cops out for traffic control. They weren't at every intersection, but there were quite a few and at the ones that were dearly needed.
I have to say, unfortunately, we got to see how well the emergency dispatch in Norman works. There were three wrecks. One due to a water truck wetting a road, another I missed, it happened behind me, and a third which was pretty severe around a sharp turn. The first wreck had a cop already on scene. We passed the ambulance and fire truck only a mile down the road flying in the direction of the bad wreck. So bravo to Norman for responding so quickly.
Okay, there is a reason it's called the Norman Conquest, Conquer the Hills and Conquer the Heat. There are hills, really, hills. You want to be ready for them or they will serve you your rear. I rode this course a couple times last fall and it's hard when you're starting out. Be prepared!
Rest stops were well placed. The bananas were kinda green unfortunately, but the oranges were good. Water, gatorade, no pickles though... I was kinda disappointed in that, most long rides have pickles.... They made up for it at the end. There was a wonderful spread of fantastic food, by far the best catered event I've been to.
I was going to do 68, but my buddy I was riding with decided she'd had enough so we cut it short. I'm glad I rode with her, I would have pushed and tried to see how fast I could do the 66 and probably been miserable at the end. This was a very enjoyable ride. I've ridden these hills before and whined the ears off a couple of my friends in the process. This time the hills didn't seem bad at all, I stayed in high gear for most of them. I guess Meers was good for me :) I do like the tshirt, it will be a comfy lounge around the house in the fall shirt. I will probably do this ride again.