Tatur's Lake McMurtry Trail Run 12K

24% female
29% age group
Course and Elevation Profile.
My first trail race, my second trail run, I am extremely pleased with my performance. I expected to see more vibrams than I did. I thought I wouldn't get quite as many odd looks as I do on the road, but I did. I think people were both surprised at my shoes and my size. Most people were considerably smaller than me. However, that still did not change the wonderful attitude most of them had.

The trail is an out and back, the 25K and 50K were already running when we started, so just before the halfway point the trail started to get crowded. Most of the people were considerate, friendly, lots of encouraging words were being passed, and the water stop was wonderful too. As always I wish there was maybe one more waterstop, but they placed it much better than the st paddy's run. It was truly 1/3 of the way in, so it showed up right when you needed it.

And guess what? They had food! Real food at the finish! Barbeque! It was wonderful.

There are a lot of roots at McMurtry, I was nearly done in by one. I looked at my garmin at just the wrong time. I bit it hard, now 5 days later my ankle and knee are both bruised. The scrape on my knee is healing very well. There is also some soreness in my hip. Welcome to trail running :p I guess I'm officially initiated.

This is me and Alice after the run sporting our bling. This run was on my mind, but when she called me up and asked if I was doing it I knew it was a sign I should go. I'm so glad she talked me into it. I can't wait to do another tatur trail run!