4.6% of age group
13.5% overall
What a great way to make a 5K more interesting! The obstacles were not too hard, they were just right and fun to do! The moment you get out of the crowd's sight we went chest deep through a small river, then on to some small walls and under barbed wire, through a storage container, then the tire field, over cars, more tires, Monster wall that was probably 15-20 foot high, balance beams, bungee spiderweb, pitch black tunnel, hanging cargo netting (like stretch flat so you had to crawl over it, but I walked across the support beam instead :p ), hay bale tower, cargo net climb, floating log jump, fire jump and mud pit crawl under barbed wire. It was so much fun! We're planning on another.
I wish I had known about the bag check, you have a tag on your bib you hand to them, you put all your stuff in a plastic bag, hand it to their volunteers who keep it in a confined space until you come back to get it. If I'd known that I would have brought my change of clothes and towel. I wish they'd explained that better on the website. Oh and let's not forget the "hoses" they had available to rinse off were two guys with industrial size hoses on top of a storage unit, spraying into the crowd of people. The water smelled awful, I think I should have left the mud on. I'm sure there were living things in that water, I hope no one gets sick.
All in all though I had a great time with my friends!
Nice shirt, nice medal, cool hat (my kids like it, it's too small for my head)
Fun course
There was only one water stop at the half way point (some people took an hour to do it! There should be more water, shame!)
The bananas were green - tasted like crap.
The food to buy afterwards was expensive.
Redbud 10K
64% age group
63% female
Course and Elevation Profile.
H - O - T .... Maybe even as hot as last year.
I ran barefoot.... hindsight... not a wise choice. I'd only ran barefoot 3 times this year and while one of those was a 5 miler, it was not a day that melted tar on the road, nor was is such a horribly surfaced road that it made my feet scream. Two miles in I step in some tar and while it was not hot enough to burn me, I realized I had made a poor choice and moved to the grass. My body was absolutely ready for this race. I had no problems running up the hill I had to walk last year. As the finish came into sight and my body said "GO!" My feet replied "HELL NO!" hobble, hobble..... at least I made it to the end, finishing in almost the exact same time as last year. I could have done this course barefoot without a second thought at the end of last year. My feet went too soft after 3 months off. Oh well.
Pros -
Lots of water stops, very well placed. Lots of volunteers this year, more so than last year, they were working fast to get water to everyone. I remember there being lines last year for water. They did great!
Awesome neighbors, lots of people out cheering, spraying the hoses, gave the race an awesome aura
Shirt, medal, food, massage
Cons -
NEED MORE TOILETS. I waited in line for 30 minutes, nearly missed the start!
Road surface is awful, definitely wearing my bikilas next year.
64% age group
63% female
Course and Elevation Profile.
H - O - T .... Maybe even as hot as last year.
I ran barefoot.... hindsight... not a wise choice. I'd only ran barefoot 3 times this year and while one of those was a 5 miler, it was not a day that melted tar on the road, nor was is such a horribly surfaced road that it made my feet scream. Two miles in I step in some tar and while it was not hot enough to burn me, I realized I had made a poor choice and moved to the grass. My body was absolutely ready for this race. I had no problems running up the hill I had to walk last year. As the finish came into sight and my body said "GO!" My feet replied "HELL NO!" hobble, hobble..... at least I made it to the end, finishing in almost the exact same time as last year. I could have done this course barefoot without a second thought at the end of last year. My feet went too soft after 3 months off. Oh well.
Pros -
Lots of water stops, very well placed. Lots of volunteers this year, more so than last year, they were working fast to get water to everyone. I remember there being lines last year for water. They did great!
Awesome neighbors, lots of people out cheering, spraying the hoses, gave the race an awesome aura
Shirt, medal, food, massage
Cons -
NEED MORE TOILETS. I waited in line for 30 minutes, nearly missed the start!
Road surface is awful, definitely wearing my bikilas next year.
Redbud Classic 52 Mile Bike
47.97 in 3:28:50 (3:13:18 moving time, but part of that moving time was walking across a parking lot to and from the johns)
Course and Elevation Profile.
Damn! Those real cyclists fly! I felt the breeze as they passed us on their way back, wow.
It was a perfect dawning day at the starting line. Beautiful, good food and drink, plenty of parking. Ready to take on 52 miles. Note to man behind the microphone at the start tho, no matter how many times you say "Everyone in the east lane" If no one has attempted to move after the first two or three times, I don't think you're going to get a response. At 5 minutes till start I began wishing I'd made one more stop to the toilet.
The route was great, plenty of cops to keep the cars at bay, the hills on Hefner Rd that I normally dread were somehow easier this day. Maybe because my bladder was full and I had incentive to get to Jones - Fast. I missed the first water stop since it was on the opposite side of the road, the second stop in Jones was huge and had a massive amount of people. For some reason they set it up right on the street so bikes and people were collecting and traffic (as well as those cyclists trying to move on) had a hard time getting around. It made no sense seeing as there was a perfectly useable parking lot. They put the portajohns in the parking lot but not the water stop.... I waited for my friends in Jones. I was there for probably 20 minutes or so. My legs hurt when we set back out again. Too long of a break - lesson learned.
There were tons of signs along the road warning people "biking event - caution" the only problem was 90% weren't facing traffic. It seems they set them up the night before and forgot to send someone to move them into place. As we left Jones the wind picked up, hills+wind=blah. The 15 mile square that starts and ends in Jones, had one water stop, about 2 miles before you get back to Jones.... ?? Why not 7-8 miles in? I didn't understand that choice. I decided to not wait for my crew as I entered back into Jones. The water stop had shrunk to 1/3 it's previous size. I guess most people were doing the 33 mile.
There were more water stops after that, but I didn't stop at any of them. At this point the wind was trying to knock me off the bike, I just wanted to be done. As we turned back south on the I-35 service road the head wind shut lots of people down. I saw a few people walking their bikes and when we turned back west there were 5 guys who stopped on the bridge to stretch. They were hurting pretty bad from their faces. It's bad when you're going downhill and can't hit 11mph even though you are pedaling. The hills leading back to the finish were not as bad as I anticipated either. I was so thankful when I was done, though my gps said 48 miles. As did my friend's.
What on earth? Shut down at 11? Literally? There were still people coming in after 11, but apparently they close up the food and the massage at 11. It says they expect everyone in at 11, but I thought that was so the cops could get back to their real work. I find that ridiculous. I don't understand races that cater to only the fast people. Most of your money is coming from the recreational athlete, why not cater to them sometimes?
Lots of cops and very little risk of getting run over.
Good food (If you can get back fast enough to eat it)
Massage (If you can get back fast enough)
Nice prizes (giftcards and a 2K bike, I didn't win anything :( )
SAG - For "One of the best supported rides in the state" I saw 2 SAG wagons the entire course. There were about 15 at Spin your wheels last year.
Water stop placement. The second half they were well placed, first half not so much. I was passing the first water stop before I even knew it was there.
Course and Elevation Profile.
Damn! Those real cyclists fly! I felt the breeze as they passed us on their way back, wow.
It was a perfect dawning day at the starting line. Beautiful, good food and drink, plenty of parking. Ready to take on 52 miles. Note to man behind the microphone at the start tho, no matter how many times you say "Everyone in the east lane" If no one has attempted to move after the first two or three times, I don't think you're going to get a response. At 5 minutes till start I began wishing I'd made one more stop to the toilet.
The route was great, plenty of cops to keep the cars at bay, the hills on Hefner Rd that I normally dread were somehow easier this day. Maybe because my bladder was full and I had incentive to get to Jones - Fast. I missed the first water stop since it was on the opposite side of the road, the second stop in Jones was huge and had a massive amount of people. For some reason they set it up right on the street so bikes and people were collecting and traffic (as well as those cyclists trying to move on) had a hard time getting around. It made no sense seeing as there was a perfectly useable parking lot. They put the portajohns in the parking lot but not the water stop.... I waited for my friends in Jones. I was there for probably 20 minutes or so. My legs hurt when we set back out again. Too long of a break - lesson learned.
There were tons of signs along the road warning people "biking event - caution" the only problem was 90% weren't facing traffic. It seems they set them up the night before and forgot to send someone to move them into place. As we left Jones the wind picked up, hills+wind=blah. The 15 mile square that starts and ends in Jones, had one water stop, about 2 miles before you get back to Jones.... ?? Why not 7-8 miles in? I didn't understand that choice. I decided to not wait for my crew as I entered back into Jones. The water stop had shrunk to 1/3 it's previous size. I guess most people were doing the 33 mile.
There were more water stops after that, but I didn't stop at any of them. At this point the wind was trying to knock me off the bike, I just wanted to be done. As we turned back south on the I-35 service road the head wind shut lots of people down. I saw a few people walking their bikes and when we turned back west there were 5 guys who stopped on the bridge to stretch. They were hurting pretty bad from their faces. It's bad when you're going downhill and can't hit 11mph even though you are pedaling. The hills leading back to the finish were not as bad as I anticipated either. I was so thankful when I was done, though my gps said 48 miles. As did my friend's.
What on earth? Shut down at 11? Literally? There were still people coming in after 11, but apparently they close up the food and the massage at 11. It says they expect everyone in at 11, but I thought that was so the cops could get back to their real work. I find that ridiculous. I don't understand races that cater to only the fast people. Most of your money is coming from the recreational athlete, why not cater to them sometimes?
Lots of cops and very little risk of getting run over.
Good food (If you can get back fast enough to eat it)
Massage (If you can get back fast enough)
Nice prizes (giftcards and a 2K bike, I didn't win anything :( )
SAG - For "One of the best supported rides in the state" I saw 2 SAG wagons the entire course. There were about 15 at Spin your wheels last year.
Water stop placement. The second half they were well placed, first half not so much. I was passing the first water stop before I even knew it was there.
Tatur's Lake McMurtry Trail Run 12K
24% female
29% age group
Course and Elevation Profile.
My first trail race, my second trail run, I am extremely pleased with my performance. I expected to see more vibrams than I did. I thought I wouldn't get quite as many odd looks as I do on the road, but I did. I think people were both surprised at my shoes and my size. Most people were considerably smaller than me. However, that still did not change the wonderful attitude most of them had.
The trail is an out and back, the 25K and 50K were already running when we started, so just before the halfway point the trail started to get crowded. Most of the people were considerate, friendly, lots of encouraging words were being passed, and the water stop was wonderful too. As always I wish there was maybe one more waterstop, but they placed it much better than the st paddy's run. It was truly 1/3 of the way in, so it showed up right when you needed it.
And guess what? They had food! Real food at the finish! Barbeque! It was wonderful.
There are a lot of roots at McMurtry, I was nearly done in by one. I looked at my garmin at just the wrong time. I bit it hard, now 5 days later my ankle and knee are both bruised. The scrape on my knee is healing very well. There is also some soreness in my hip. Welcome to trail running :p I guess I'm officially initiated.
This is me and Alice after the run sporting our bling. This run was on my mind, but when she called me up and asked if I was doing it I knew it was a sign I should go. I'm so glad she talked me into it. I can't wait to do another tatur trail run!
24% female
29% age group
Course and Elevation Profile.
My first trail race, my second trail run, I am extremely pleased with my performance. I expected to see more vibrams than I did. I thought I wouldn't get quite as many odd looks as I do on the road, but I did. I think people were both surprised at my shoes and my size. Most people were considerably smaller than me. However, that still did not change the wonderful attitude most of them had.
The trail is an out and back, the 25K and 50K were already running when we started, so just before the halfway point the trail started to get crowded. Most of the people were considerate, friendly, lots of encouraging words were being passed, and the water stop was wonderful too. As always I wish there was maybe one more waterstop, but they placed it much better than the st paddy's run. It was truly 1/3 of the way in, so it showed up right when you needed it.
And guess what? They had food! Real food at the finish! Barbeque! It was wonderful.
There are a lot of roots at McMurtry, I was nearly done in by one. I looked at my garmin at just the wrong time. I bit it hard, now 5 days later my ankle and knee are both bruised. The scrape on my knee is healing very well. There is also some soreness in my hip. Welcome to trail running :p I guess I'm officially initiated.
This is me and Alice after the run sporting our bling. This run was on my mind, but when she called me up and asked if I was doing it I knew it was a sign I should go. I'm so glad she talked me into it. I can't wait to do another tatur trail run!
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