Battle at the Bird Mountain Bike Course

All I can say is you people are nuts. Seriously? This course was created by college students with no responsibilities and no concern for their physical well being. Good luck to those of you who are doing this race this morning and may your broken bones heal quickly.

I hiked most of this course, there is definately a reason it's labeled expert. I was decieved by draper, the expert course there had a couple of obstacles and easy bypass routes. Grant you maybe it does have easy bypass, but the course was already marked and all bypasses were blocked. From what I could see though it appeared the bypass were far from easy they just weren't quite as difficult. I'm glad I purchased my mountain bike for fun and recreation, a break from trying to break PR while road biking or running, because I will NEVER race a mountain bike.

My friend I was riding with told me the yellow and green (easy course) was used for the lowest category riders last year, woe to the person who comes back this year thinking that's what they will be facing today.

Oh yeah, and I bailed at the end, my chest hurt and I was out of water. I didn't even have enough in me to do the easy part of the course.